Special advertising features
Download VISION 2026 rate card.
Click here to enter VISION's Online Ad Reservation Form.
Reader response service:
Requests from potential candidates for more information about your community will be immediately forwarded to you by email for one year from publication. Each request includes a detailed reader profile if the query has come through Vocation Match. Queries coming through Community Search minimally contain name, city, email address. Advertisers may request that reader responses be emailed to additional community contacts at no extra charge.
Directory listing included
One 150-word online directory listing and entry in the enhanced print index is automatically included with the purchase of a print display, web, or digital ad. Each listing receives its own Vocation Match profile and statistics. All advertisers may purchase additional listings for $275 each. Feel free to submit a short video can be to run alongside your listing (run time not to exceed 2 minutes).
Website features:
- VOCATION MATCH: As an advertiser you complete a questionnaire about your community and candidate requirements. Discerners who participate in our online Vocation Match discernment process are then matched with the communities who match their criteria and preferences.
- COMMUNITY SEARCH: Your online community Directory Listing, posted in English and/or Spanish and French, is fully searchable and linked to your website.
- EVENTS CALENDAR/MINISTRY & SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES: You may post upcoming events throughout the year for free. The Vocation Match service includes links to these opportunities.
- MULTILINGUAL ARTICLES: The VISION website features articles in English, Spanish, and French.
- DIGITALVOCATIONGUIDE.ORG: A digital version of the printed guide with a downloadable app.
Circulation & distribution
PRINT/DIGITAL editions: More than 100,000 issues of Vision will be distributed/viewed beginning
in August 1.
WEB: VISION VOCATION NETWORK averages 360,000 separate interactive visits per year.
Additiional exposure through E-Vocation newsletter and social sites and VISION sponsored searches.
Advertising statistics & reports
VISION VOCATION NETWORK makes it easy to keep tabs on how your ad is doing. Log in to the Advertiser Updater for 24-hour access to your reader response statistics. You will also be emailed monthly cumulative reports indicating the number of reader responses you’ve received, the number of viewings of your directory listings and/or web ads, and the number of click-throughs to your website.
Click here for PRINT and WEB & E-Vocation ad rates, or download the rate card.
Click here to enter VISION's Online Ad Reservation Form.
Or call 312-356-9900 or email mail@vocationnetwork.org to reserve your ad today.
- Benefits of advertising in VISION
- PRINT advertising rates for VISION
- WEB & E-Vocation advertising rates for VISION
- Advertising tips
- Closing dates/terms and discounts
- Production costs/marketing services
- I'm not receiving email from VISION Vocation Network! What happened? How to whitelist VISION Vocation Network
- Reader Statistics: Current and Archived
- Guide to growing your community in the digital age
Most Viewed
- Find your spirituality type quiz
- Questions and answers about religious vocations
- Celibacy quiz: Could I be a nun? Could I be a brother? Could I be a priest?
- Resources for older discerners or those with physical and developmental differences
- About Vocation Network and VISION Guide