Prayer & Discernment Adapted from an article by Linus Mundy for VISION Vocation Guide. Read the complete article online at http://www.vocationnetwork.org/articles/show/254 Our faith tells us that "prayer is a vital necessity." But how shall we pray? Fortunately, Catholic tradition is rich in forms of prayer. There are Five basic types of prayer. Blessing and adoration: where we acknowledge God's greatness and mercy in saving us from evil. Prayers of petition: Praying for any need we have (especially forgiveness) but also praying that God's kingdom come and God's will (not necessarily ours) be done. Intercession: Asking on behalf of another or oneself that God will show mercy and favor. Thanksgiving: Words and thoughts of gratitude for all things or any one thing. Praise: Giving glory to God, recognizing that God is God and testifying we are God's children. Within these basic types of prayer there fall many subcategories. Formal prayers, such as: the Sign of the Cross, Rosary, or the Our Father. Liturgical prayers and practices, such as the Mass; Adoration ; and Hymns. Classic and monastic approaches, practiced by Benedictines, Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans and other religious communities. Popular devotions, such as novenas and Stations of the Cross. Scripture-based prayer, including readings from the Old and New Testaments. Contemplative prayer, including meditation and centering prayer. The ways to pray are endless. But no matter which prayers or prayer forms you make your own, remember to ground your prayer in desire and surrender. These are the real essentials for genuine prayer.