Peace be with you

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Image of Holy Spirit by Brother Blair Nuyda, A.A.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid (John 14:27). (Image: Holy Spirit by Brother Blair Nuyda, A.A.)

WIND, WATER, BREATH, tongues of fire, and a dove are among the many forms in scripture and Christian art used to depict the wholly elusive and mysterious Holy Spirit. The Spirit comes to us as an advocate, consoler, and protector; cloaks us in strength and piety; and whispers wise counsel in our ear. The Spirit lifts us up and fills us with awe.

As we become more aware of the Spirit’s unrelenting actions on our behalf, we experience overwhelming joy, charity toward others, and—in what many consider the greatest gift of all—peace:

Peace from all anxiety;

Peace that surpasses all understanding;

Peace that lets us know we are in the presence of God;

Peace that allows us to have confidence in our decisions;

Peace that is essential to you as you discern your vocation. 

Patrice J. Tuohy

Patrice J. Tuohy is publisher of VISION on behalf of the National Religious Vocation Conference and CEO of TrueQuest Communications.

Brother Blair Paulus Nuyda, A.A.

Brother Blair Paulus Nuyda, A.A. is the director of vocations for the Augustinians of the Assumption in the United States and is currently based in Boston.




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