How to create a culture of discernment
As parents, you play the primary role in your teen’s religious education. Our hope is that you will use VISION as a resource as you immerse your teen in Catholic culture and fuel his or her religious imagination. VISION will introduce your teen to the fundamental spiritual concepts of “feeling called,” “discerning a vocation,” and “knowing God’s will.” Its many articles and features will also give your teen a sense of the diverse forms and expressions of vocation – as a single person, married, or in religious life.
Your teen will learn of the important role men and women religious—priests, brothers, sisters, nuns--have played throughout Christian history and the contributions religious communities have made to the holiness, influence, and expansion of the church.
Did you know that young people who are active in their local parishes are much more likely to consider a religious vocation than those who are not? So, in addition to all the great resources VISION has to offer your teen, be sure they also are well connected with a community of faith!
Creative ways to promote vocations in your home:
For parents:
Request a copy of the print version of VISION Vocation Guide each year and encourage your teens to read articles; if you are tech savvy you can download the VISION app from Apple iTunes or the Android Market and read the digital edition.
For teens:
- Write a letter to us about the positive influence of a sister, brother,or a priest has had on your life. We will try to include comments in our next edition of VISION
Social networks and blogs:
- Visit VISION’s social network and follow us on Facebook and Twitter
- Check out our YouTube channel for videos about specific communities or our “How To” series
- Check out our SpiritCitings Blog and post a comment
- Sign up for our Take Five for Faith, our brief daily meditation, and our E-Vocation Newsletter
Opportunites/services/family activities:
- Search through our Events calendar to see if there are any events sponsored by religious communities in your area. If appropriate, consider attending
- Pray together as a family. Say grace before meals, prayers before bedtime, attend Mass regularly
- Encourage your teens to volunteer at the parish (as altar servers, office help, or a parish-sponsored events)
- Encourage your teens to do community service and be generous with their time and money for the sake of those who are less fortunate
- Use Ask Alice for Q&As on Catholism
Additionally, here are some articles that can help incorporate a culture of discernment in your home.
A user's guide on the ways to pray
- Trends on Religious Life
- Bold and Faithful: Meet Today's Religious
- FOR PARISHES & PREACHERS: Sample homilies that encourage vocation discernment
- Beholden to no one but God
- Consecrated life through the ages (Religious Life Timeline)
- VOCATION RESOURCES: Myths busted and questions answered
- FOR BULLETIN EDITORS & DISCERNERS: Reflections on consecrated life Read More
Most Viewed
- Find your spirituality type quiz
- Questions and answers about religious vocations
- Celibacy quiz: Could I be a nun? Could I be a brother? Could I be a priest?
- Resources for older discerners or those with physical and developmental differences
- About Vocation Network and VISION Guide