VOCATION PRAYERS | Vocations prayers | Prayers for vocations
A Pilgrim’s Prayer
We are on a path of discovery, striving to discern the best course toward fulfillment and joy. God, our source, we gladly embark on this mystery-filled voyage toward you; guide our prayer.
We are on a path of peace, committed to justice and reconciliation amid uncertainty and doubt. Jesus Christ, our brother, we hear your call; show us the way.
We are on a path of mercy, confident our embrace of the sacredness of all creation will lead to welcome and respect. Holy Spirit, our advocate, we need your passion; strengthen our resolve.
We are pilgrims of hope, seeking to be renewed and reawakened in this Jubilee Year. Holy Trinity, our all, we give thanks for the glories of God’s promises and the vast wonders set before us on the journey to love.Amen.
—VISION Vocation Guide
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© 2025 VISION
Without the Word of God no creature has
God’s Word is in all creation, visible and invisible.
The Word is living, being, spirit, all ardent greening, all creativity.
—Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Medieval mystic and poet
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You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.
Nos hiciste, Señor, para ti, y nuestro corazón está inquieto, hasta que descanse en ti.
Tu nous as faits pour toi Seigneur et notre cœur est sans repos tant qu’il ne repose pas en toi.
Journey to Light
LORD, you have probed me, you know me: you know when I sit and stand;
you understand my thoughts from afar.
You sift through my travels and my rest; with all my ways you are familiar.
Even before a word is on my tongue, LORD, you know it all.
Behind and before you encircle me and rest your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, far too lofty for me to reach.
Where can I go from your spirit? From your presence, where can I flee?
. . . If I say, “Surely darkness shall hide me, and night shall be my light”—
Darkness is not dark for you, and night shines as the day. Darkness and light are but one.
Psalm 139:1-12
Prayer for Illumination
LORD, you said, “Let there be light, and there was light” (Gen. 1:3), and it was good.
Please shine that light on me that I may acknowledge my faults and commit to your call to holiness.
LORD, you sent Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, as Light of the World (John 8:12) to show us how to love.
Please shine that light in me that I may recognize my fears and act with confident charity.
LORD, you infused your Spirit in us as the light of truth (John 16:13) to guide us.
Please shine that light through me that I may know my limitations and seek you in all things.
LORD, you are light, “in you there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).
Please shine within me that I may see my life in a new light, live in you, and illuminate the way for others.
© 2021 VISION
Prayer for Focus
Dear LORD, focus my faith on you.
Like Mary, Blessed Virgin, help me to see the great things you have done for me.
By your mercy you lift me up and satisfy my hunger.
I give you glory.
Dear LORD, focus my hope on you.
Like Paul the Apostle, help me to concentrate on
whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and gracious.
I give you praise.
Dear LORD, focus my love on you.
Like Julian of Norwich, doctor of the church, help me to rest assured that all shall be well.
Show me your meaning in all things, which is Love.
I give you thanks.
© 2020 VISION
Prayer for Discernment
LORD, help me:
TO boldly take charge of my life, aim for the most beautiful and profound things, and keep my heart pure.
TO respond to your call, with the aid of wise and generous guides, and realize a proper plan for my life
to achieve true happiness.
TO dream great dreams and always have a concern for the good of others.
TO stand with you at the foot of the cross and receive the gift of your mother.
TO witness to your Resurrection and the hope that it brings.
TO be aware that you are at my side as I joyously proclaim you as Lord. Amen.
— Pope Francis
Adapted from Pope Francis’ Prayer for Young People in preparation for the 2018 Bishops’ Synod.
© 2019 VISION
Prayer for Vocation Guidance
Your living waters flow within me.
They nourish my love for your Word.
They inspire me to follow your Son and pour out my life for others.
I am ready to further your mission.
Help me find the best way to share my gifts in service to you.
Giving you glory will be my greatest joy.
In all that I do, may I proclaim your truth and give witness to your love.
I trust that you will be ever present—coursing through me and quenching my thirst for your justice and mercy.
May I forever be worthy of your life-giving call.
© 2018 VISION Vocation Guide
Oración para la Orientación en la Vocación
Tus aguas de vida fluyen en mi interior.
Ellas nutren mi amor por tu Palabra.
Ellas me inspiran para seguir a tu Hijo y derramar mi vida para los demás.
Estoy listo para cumplir tu misión. Ayúdame a encontrar la mejor forma de compartir mis donespara servirte. Darte gloria será mi mayor satisfacción.
En todo lo que hago, que yo proclame tu verdad y dé testimonio de tu amor. Confío en que estarás siempre presente—fluyendo en mi y saciando mi sed de tu justicia y misericordia. Que siempre sea yo digno de tu vital llamado.
LORD, help me to wake up the world, and be a witness of a different way of living.
SEÑOR, ayúdame a despertar al mundo, y ser testigo de una manera diferente de vivir.
SEIGNEUR aide-moi à me réveille le monde, et d'être témoin d’un mode de vie différent.
Open their hearts to great ideals, to great things.
for vocations blossom in the good soil of faithful people.
with the confidence and grace to invite others to embrace the bold and noble path of a life consecrated to you.
so that we may cooperate with you in building your reign of mercy and truth, of justice and peace.
— Pope Francis
Adapted from the Message on the 51st World Day
of Prayer for Vocations.
Download pdf file of prayer card for reprint.
BENDICE a la juventud con el don de la valentía para que respondan a tu llamado. Abre sus corazones a grandes ideales y a grandes cosas.
INSPIRA a todos tus discípulos al amor
y servicio mutuo—Para que florezcan vocaciones en la tierra fértil de tu pueblo fiel.
INCULCA en los que viven la vida religiosa, sirven en ministerios parroquiales y nuestras familias, la confianza y la gracia de invitar a otros a abrazar el camino audaz y noble de una vida consagrada a Ti.
ÚNENOS a Jesús a través de la oración y los sacramentos para poder cooperar contigo en la construcción del Reino de la misericordia, de la verdad, de la justicia y de la paz. Amén.
— Papa Francisco
Adaptado del Mensaje del 51 del Día Mundial de la Oración por Vocaciones.
Download pdf file of this prayer card for reprint.
GO FORTH! Remember the beauty of your
first call. Jesus continues to call you today
with the same full love and untamed grace.
GO FORTH! There is always more to do, to
encounter, to be grateful for, to be astonished
by. Begin and end with the joy of prayer—the
marrow of consecrated life.
GO FORTH! Each of us has a role to play in
the Church. Witness and sow well each day,
and look to tomorrow with hope.
GO FORTH! Grow in love for God so that
others will be attracted by the divine light
in you. Welcome the new vocations the Lord
sends to continue the work of consecration.
We ask this through the intercession of Mary,
Mother of God and first disciple of her son,
Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
— Pope Francis
A Prayer of Unknowing
MY LORD GOD, I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following Your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please You
does in fact please You. And I hope I have that desire
in all that I am doing.
I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that, if I do this, You will lead me by the right road,
though I may know nothing about it.
Therefore I will trust You always
though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for You are ever with me, and
You will never leave me to face my perils alone. Amen.
— Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude, page 79.
Vocation Prayer for Families
Pray for us family members
that we may be a source of comfort and strength for one another.
Pray for us parents
that we may respond with charity to all that is asked of us.
Pray for us discerning a religious vocation
that we may discover our true heart's desire.
Pray for us entering religious life
that we may find joy and fulfillment.
You, O Mary, who accepted your vocation as a mother and disciple
with exquisite grace,
Pray for us all that we may grow in wisdom and love
as we respond to God’s call in our own unique way.
We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ
and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer of St. Teresa
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
-- Saint Teresa of Avila
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- vocation prayers
- prayer for vocations
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