SONG: Wake the world with dawning joy
POPE FRANCIS called on the faithful to express their gratitude for those in consecrated life. What better way to offer praise and thanksgiving than in song?
That is why the editors of VISION Vocation Guide and the National Religious Vocation Conference commissioned world-renowned composer Steven Warner to write a song in honor of the Year of Consecrated Life. The result, “Wake the world with dawning joy,” celebrates the unique and ancient form of discipleship that is known as consecrated life and, inspired by the words of Pope Francis, urges men and women religious to continue to wake the world with their witness.
We hope you will sing this special song in your parishes and religious communities and incorporate it in your worship and prayer services throughout the Year of Consecrated Life and beyond to remind each of us of Christ’s call to wake up the world and live in a different way—a way of faith, hope, love, and joy!
AUDIO MULTILINGUAL (Verses in French, Italian, Spanish, and English)
PDFs of the MELODY, or Multilingual Edition of “Wake the World with Dawning Joy."
During the Year of Consecrated Life you may download and reprint the scores above at no charge.
Important note: With any reprint of the lyrics or music of this song, please include the following credit:
Commissioned by NRVC and VISION Vocation Guide in honor of the Year of Consecrated Life. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications, 3708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60131-2158. All rights reserved.
World Library Publications (WLP) was the original publisher of “Wake the World with Dawning Joy.” The piece, scored for two-part choir with descant, keyboard, guitar, and trumpet, which includes the full international version (with French, Italian and Spanish verses), may be purchased by visiting GIA Music at
- Notice everything
- Enter the silence
- Embrace grace
- Peace be with you
- Stay the course
- The “yes” that launched a thousand vocations
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