Benedictine Monks, Saint Benedict, OR
Learn more about this men's religious community at Find more information about consecrated life at
A brief tutorial that walks you through NRVC's newest storymap about contemporary Catholic sisters, brothers, nuns, and priests: This clearinghouse of trusted information features videos, podcasts, events calendar, religious institutes and ministry map, curriculum, and other resources, including VISION Vocation Guide, for discerning a Catholic religious vocation or promoting vocations. #catholicvocation #vocation #discernment #nuns #priests #catholic
Play Video ▸Find more about stories about today's Catholic sisters, nuns, brothers in priests in the Bold and Faithful storymap: This clearinghouse of trusted information features videos, podcasts, events calendar, religious institutes and ministry map, curriculum, and other resources, including VISION Vocation Guide, for discerning a Catholic religious vocation or promoting vocations. #catholicvocation #vocation #discernment #nuns #priests #catholic The storymap is produced by the National Religious Vocation Conference, the parent organization of VISION
Play Video ▸Find more about stories about today's Catholic sisters, nuns, brothers in priests in the Bold and Faithful storymap: This clearinghouse of trusted information features videos, podcasts, events calendar, religious institutes and ministry map, curriculum, and other resources, including VISION Vocation Guide, for discerning a Catholic religious vocation or promoting vocations. #catholicvocation #vocation #discernment #nuns #priests #catholic The storymap is produced by the National Religious Vocation Conference, the parent organization of VISION
Play Video ▸Learn more about this Catholic women's religious community at Find more information about consecrated life at
Play Video ▸Learn more about this Catholic women's religious community at Find more information about consecrated life at
Play Video ▸Learn more about this Catholic women's religious community at Find more information about consecrated life at
Play Video ▸Learn more about this men's religious community at Find more information about consecrated life at
Play Video ▸Learn more about this Catholic Men's Religious Community at Find more information about consecrated life at
Play Video ▸Learn more about this Catholic Men's Religious Community at Find more information about consecrated life at
Play Video ▸The sixth and final webinar in our Religious Life Today six-part series featuring young religious and those in pre-novitiate sharing what attracted them to religious life, how they chose their community, and what has surprised and delighted them so far.. Panelists: Sister Cecilia Ashton, O.C.D., Carmelite Nuns of Baltimore; Nate Tinner-Williams, pre-novitiate candidate, Society of St. Joseph (Josephites); Sr. Limétèze Pierre-Gilles, S.S.N.D., School Sisters of Notre Dame; Br. Rafael Vargas, S.B.D., Salesians of Don Bosco; Sr. Thanh Pham, S.S.M.O., Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Webinar series : 1 Fundamentals from call to charism to community living | Sept. 30, 2021 Primary audience: DISCERNERS. Video: 2 Using all avenues to support vocation ministry | Nov. 17, 2021 Primary audience: VOCATION DIRECTORS. Video: 3 Creating a collaborative environment | Jan. 13, 2022 Primary audience: Religious Institute LEADERSHIP and DIOCESAN VOCATION OFFICES. Video: 4 Wellsprings of support for vocations | March 3, 2022 Primary audience: CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS, PARISHES, CAMPUS MINISTERS. Video: Part 5 Addressing parental concerns: Wisdom and advice | April 21,2022 Primary audience: PARENTS. Video: Part 6 Call to Religious Life: New members stories | June 2, 2022 Primary audience: ALL SUPPORTERS OF MEN & WOMEN IN CONSECRATED LIFE. Video: For more information, go to . Religious Life Today Storymap: ... . Religious Life Today Infographic: ... . Religious Life Today Brochure: ... . Additional information on the 2020 Study on Recent Religious Vocations: ... NRVC Store for resources. ... Learn more at For more information, go to
Play Video ▸The fifth webinar in our Religious Life Today six-part series featuring young religious and the parents of young religious provide insights into the ways parents experience their child’s call to religious life. Panelists: Marist Brother Luis Ramos, F.M.S.; Felician Sister Grace Marie Del Priore, C.S.S.F.; Lori Williams mother of Mercy Sister Kelly Williams, R.S.M.; Kevin Cummings father of Paulist Father Evan Cummings, C.S.P. Webinar series schedule: 1 Fundamentals from call to charism to community living | Sept. 30, 2021 Primary audience: DISCERNERS. Video: 2 Using all avenues to support vocation ministry | Nov. 17, 2021 Primary audience: VOCATION DIRECTORS. Video: 3 Creating a collaborative environment | Jan. 13, 2022 Primary audience: Religious Institute LEADERSHIP and DIOCESAN VOCATION OFFICES. Video: 4 Wellsprings of support for vocations | March 3, 2022 Primary audience: CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS, PARISHES, CAMPUS MINISTERS. All are welcome. Part 5 Addressing parental concerns: Wisdom and advice | April 21,2022 Primary audience: PARENTS. All are welcome. Part 6 Call to Religious Life: New members stories | June 2, 2022 Primary audience: ALL SUPPORTERS OF MEN & WOMEN IN CONSECRATED LIFE. All are welcome. For more information, go to . Religious Life Today Storymap: . Religious Life Today Infographic: . Religious Life Today Brochure: . Additional information on the 2020 Study on Recent Religious Vocations: NRVC Store for resources. Learn more at
Play Video ▸The fourth webinar in our Religious Life Today six-part series featuring Sr. Susan Kidd, CND, a Catholic college campus minister, and Craig Gould, a diocesan young adult minister, who outline ways their work supports those discerning God’s call and helps promote religious vocations. Webinar series schedule: 1 Fundamentals from call to charism to community living | Sept. 30, 2021 Primary audience: DISCERNERS. Video: 2 Using all avenues to support vocation ministry | Nov. 17, 2021 Primary audience: VOCATION DIRECTORS. Video: 3 Creating a collaborative environment | Jan. 13, 2022 Primary audience: Religious Institute LEADERSHIP and DIOCESAN VOCATION OFFICES. Video: 4 Wellsprings of support for vocations | March 3, 2022 Primary audience: CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS, PARISHES, CAMPUS MINISTERS. All are welcome. Part 5 Addressing parental concerns: Wisdom and advice | April 21,2022 Primary audience: PARENTS. All are welcome. Part 6 Call to Religious Life: New members stories | June 2, 2022 Primary audience: ALL SUPPORTERS OF MEN & WOMEN IN CONSECRATED LIFE. All are welcome. For more information, go to . Religious Life Today Storymap: . Religious Life Today Infographic: . Religious Life Today Brochure: . Additional information on the 2020 Study on Recent Religious Vocations: NRVC Store for resources. Learn more at
Play Video ▸Cultures cherished, communities strengthened - The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ sing a song in Spanish and English. Read the full article:
Play Video ▸The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Kentucky Foundation Day celebration video 2. Read the full article:
Play Video ▸The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Kentucky Foundation Day celebration video 1. Read the full article:
Play Video ▸Religious life Adapted from an article by Carol Schuck Scheiber for VISION Vocation Guide. Read the complete article at: Religious life has a language all its own. Here's a guide to understanding terms you might hear as you explore a vocation as a Catholic sister, brother, or priest. Apostolic Apostolic religious communities are engaged in active ministries: teaching, parish life, health care, justice, service to the poor, and many others. Charism Charism, from the Greek word charisma meaning "gift," is a religious community's particular spirit, way of life, and mission. Contemplative Contemplative religious communities focus on daily prayer, especially the Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, and individual prayer. Cloistered Cloistered or partially cloistered communities live in seclusion and rarely leave their grounds. Their primary focus is on prayer, including prayer for the needs of the world. Many contemplative communities choose to be cloistered. Discernment Discernment is a process of reflection and prayer to determine God's will and the best way to respond to the call to follow Jesus. Missionary Missionary communities send members throughout the world to be a gospel presence and provide compassionate service. Monastic Monastic men and women place a high value on prayer and communal living but many are also engaged in active ministries within and outside of the monastery. Postulant/Novice/Professed Stages of membership in a religious community: A postulant, or candidate, is discerning membership within a community. A novice has begun the process of entering the community. A professed member has formally entered and taken vows. Spiritual direction Those discerning a religious vocation often receive spiritual direction, a process in which they meet with a spiritual director to strengthen their relationship with God and gain insight into their life choices as they relate to their faith. Vows Professed members of a religious community take vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. Many communities add a fourth or fifth vow related to their charism. For an expanded glossary of religious life terms, go to:, or read the full artilce online at:
Play Video ▸For the complete article, go to Discerning can be one of the hardest tasks someone undertakes in life. The following are 10 pieces of wisdom that, although they do not constitute a formula for discernment, they do help get you from point A to point B. -Vocation comes from the Latin word, vocare, "to call." It is a calling from God, who made us, loves us, and has a plan for us. -Vocation is not only something given to us, it is also something we freely give to God and others. -We have the freedom to marry, or enter religious life or remain single. On the one hand God really does call us to vocations. On the other God respects our freedom and does not abandon us. -A key insight shared by many saints is that spiritual growth begins in self-knowledge. -To better know God's will for our lives and follow it is imperative that we first come to know Jesus Christ and begin to model our lives after his. -There are many different vocations in the church. Finding our vocation, then, is like finding our instrument in the symphony. It is our unique way of "playing" God's love in the world. -No one can discern a vocation alone. One's friends, ministers, family members, and fellow parishioners can be helpful sources of support and insight to see things in us that we don't readily perceive. -If we knew exactly what God wanted or what would make us most happy, there would be no risk, no cost, and, in effect, no love. -Whatever we have done or whoever we have been in the past, God can still use us. -There comes a time in the process of exploring who we are and what we want to do with our lives that we must take a risk and try something. God rewards our efforts, and God can do much more with a mistake than with inertia. For the complete article or other articles on prayer and discernment, go to
Play Video ▸Adapted from an article by Father Donald Senior, CP for VISION Vocation Guide. Read the complete article at: THE MOST BASIC MEANING OF VOCATION is a call. A call to holiness and the fullness of life itself. Who can forget in the opening chapters of Mark and Matthew's gospels those encounters by the Sea of Galilee? Fishers Simon, Andrew, James and John have no inkling of what is about to happen to them, and that it will change their lives forever. Jesus, calls to them, "Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men" (Mark 1:16-20). In these and many other biblical stories where Jesus calls disciples we find certain basic qualities: • The life of discipleship begins not with a choice but with a call. It comes unexpectedly and without warning. • The focal point is the person of Christ. Because Jesus is out in front of his community; the disciples must follow behind, often in confusion and fear. • The disciples are plunged into the work of Jesus: transforming Israel, establishing the kingdom, healing, and teaching. • Most of all, the disciples' lives will never be the same. They leave their boats and their families to follow this call and begin a new journey in life. Response to God's call is not instantaneous. It unfolds over time. Each one of us has received a call. Our biblical heritage gives us the means to understand that call and to respond in faith.
Play Video ▸Read this VISION Vocation Guide article in full here: Find more information about consecrated life at
Play Video ▸By Alice Camille Catholic teaching clearly informs us how to treat the “stranger”—migrants, immigrants, and refugees—in our midst.
Play Video ▸Fr. Britto Berchmans of St. Paul of the Cross Parish, Park Ridge, IL, explains the purpose and benefits of the sacrament of Reconciliation. Read more on forgiveness and reconciliation at
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