“Our Lord Jesus Christ suffering in the persons of a multitude of sick and
infirm of every kind, seeks relief at your hands.” --Bishop Claude M. Dubuis
The Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston, Texas, is a
community of women religious serving within the Church as signs of God’s presence in our
world. We are entrusted with the mission of embodying the love of the Incarnate Word, we bear
in mind that, whatever the form of our ministry; it is by means of our own lives that we witness
most convincingly to the presence of Jesus Christ. We share our gifts in ministries of education,
healthcare, social concerns, and spirituality. Our Motherhouse is located in Houston, Texas. Our
ministries extend to those in need in El Salvador, Guatemala, Ireland, Kenya, and the United
States. Are you called to be a sign of God’s love? Consider joining the Sisters of Charity of the
Incarnate Word.
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