Marianists, Province of Meribah (S.M.) [Code: 334]

Member of the National Religious Vocation Conference

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We are a religious community of brothers and priests, committed to living the Gospel together and serving Christ and His Church through the apostolate of education. Dedicating our lives to Mary, we follow her example of humble service and faithful discipleship. At the center of our lives are the two tables: the altar, the table of faith and sacrifice, and the community table—the table of fraternity and fellowship. Forming a new, Gospel-based family, we share in common prayer, friendship, possessions, work, successes, and difficulties. We aim to make family spirit the distinctive mark of our communities, growing in the characteristics of Mary, particularly her faith, humility, simplicity, and hospitality. To learn more, contact our Vocation Director, Bro. Stephen Balletta, S.M. at  See our online ad at

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Marianists, Province of Meribah (S.M.)


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