Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia (O.S.F.) [Code: 139]

Member of the National Religious Vocation Conference

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Follow Christ with us! Share Franciscan hope and joy by living as sister to all, using your unique gifts to serve in the margins of our world as a Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia. Discover how the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, lived in the prophetic spirit of Francis and Clare of Assisi, free us to center our lives on God through the Franciscan values of ongoing conversion, contemplation, humility, and poverty. Our community living, shared prayer, and diverse ministries express and support our loving relationships with God, one another, all people, and all creatures. Join with us in collaborating to promote justice and peace with emphasis on human dignity, integral ecology, and reverencing all as a reflection of God’s abundant love. Interested in discerning what our Franciscan spirituality and lifestyle offer you and our world? Contact us at Learn more at our website.


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