Trappistine Cistercian Nuns, (O.C.S.O.), Dubuque, IA, Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey [Code: 621]

Membre de la Conférence Religieuse Nationale des Vocations

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We are a monastic order consecrated to contemplation and to the worship of God through a life of love according to the Rule of St Benedict. The monastic rhythm of life includes daily Eucharist, Liturgy of the Hours, manual work, and Lectio Divina.  Our vows of obedience, stability, and conversion call us to ever deeper humility, for love of Christ, one another, and all creation. Trappist-Cistercian nuns are invited into deep simplicity, solitude, and sacrifice, as well as to abundant loving-kindness, freedom, and joy!  We get to participate in Christ's work for the fruitfulness of the Church and world. Our community is richly diverse in age, background, and personality, and the Holy Spirit helps us to grow together into the one Body of Christ. Located on a high bluff-top in the Upper Mississippi River Valley of northeastern Iowa, surrounded by hundreds of acres of rolling fields and woodlands, we cherish our monastic land as both a holy refuge and profound responsibility. We want to be poor with the poor Christ, he who became poor because he so wanted to be with us!  And because we so need him. We welcome inquiries from women ages 18-40.

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