Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity (M.S.B.T.) [Code: 278]

Membre de la Conférence Religieuse Nationale des Vocations

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We are faith-filled, vowed women who have been called by God to be missionaries. We offer ourselves for apostolic ministry, at home and in other lands, as we meet the pressing needs of our day by undertaking works that the Church wants, that are good and necessary, and have a note of abandonment about them. We announce the Gospel by proclaiming the Word of God and by upholding the dignity and rights of all people. We have an ardent zeal for the poor, for the desolate in all things spiritual, and for victims of injustice. Embracing the vision of our founders, Father Thomas A. Judge, C.M. and Mother Mary Boniface Keasey, MSBT, we are dedicated and fully committed to the preservation of the faith and the development of a missionary spirit in the laity. We serve in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and Mexico.

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Fanning the Flame of Hope
Mar 13 2025 Événement En Ligne
Mar 13 2025 Événement En Ligne
Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity (M.S.B.T.)




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