A diverse group of women living together in close-knit, friendly communities, we live out the vision of our foundress, Saint Marie Eugenie Milleret, by integrating contemplation and action. The Liturgy of the Hours, the Eucharist, and daily Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, coupled with personal prayer and study, give us the foundation to carry out our mission of transforming society through prayer and education. We commit ourselves to our charism of education in many ways, including teaching ESL, parish work, advocacy, and community development as we reach out to immigrants, refugees, women, children and young people, college students, and other adult seekers. We have been striving to impact the world through prayer and action since 1839; today we are 1,100+ sisters in 33 countries. For more information about sharing your life with us for one year, two years, or the rest of your life, visit our website.
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