Norbertine Fathers and Brothers (O.Praem.), St. Norbert Abbey [Code: 110]

Member of the National Religious Vocation Conference

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We are rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Rule of St. Augustine, which calls Norbertines to be of “one mind and one heart on the way to God.” Norbertine community life is characterized by the power of the Holy Spirit and a desire to be of service to God’s people. Neither monks nor diocesan priests, Norbertines collaborate in common ministry within the local Church while living in community. Norbertine life is a spirituality of love lived in community, expressed especially in devotion to the Eucharist and by singing the Divine Office. Strengthened in this way, we bring God’s love beyond the Abbey to those we serve. If you are a faithful Catholic man, between the ages of 18-39, contact our vocation director, Fr. Johnathan Turba, O.Praem. to arrange a visit, where you will meet our confreres, share meals, and join in celebrating the sacred liturgy. 

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