Sisters of Transfiguration Hermitage [Code: 367]

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We are a monastic, contemplative community, following the Rule of St. Benedict in a way of life which nurtures the love of God in solitude as well as in community. Our life includes Liturgy of the Hours together as well as hours for personal prayer and lectio in solitude both morning and evening. We live by the work of our hands: making fruitcakes, jams, and other baked goods, and by writing, offering occasional workshops and retreats, and through the ministry of our small guest house. Our 68 acres of gardens, fields, woods, and streams offers a solitary environment in which to attend to God’s presence. Firmly rooted in the monastic tradition, we are also open to the needs and aspirations of contemporary women who desire to seek God both in silence and solitude and in the daily life of the community of sisters. 

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Sisters of Transfiguration Hermitage


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