Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (I.H.M.), Monroe, MI [Code: 258]

Member of the National Religious Vocation Conference

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We are a ministerial community of vowed women and lay associates. We believe the Spirit is inviting us to enter more deeply into the liberating mission of Jesus Christ as we come to understand it anew through the mystery of the Sacred Universe. We are mutually responsible for the life, mission, and common good of the community. Our spirituality and our shared humanity compel us to respond collaboratively with others to the challenges of our beautiful yet fractured world especially through our commitment to social, economic, and ecological justice. Nourished and strengthened by personal and communal prayer, awareness of global inequalities, compassion for all, and openness to the Spirit, we strive to live the gospel through a variety of ministries including spiritual direction, education, advocacy for peace, justice, and sustainability, pastoral ministry, counseling, and healthcare. Contact us to learn more. See our online ad at

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Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (I.H.M.), Monroe, MI


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