Society of African Missions (S.M.A.), Societé des Missions Africaines [Code: 136]

Member of the National Religious Vocation Conference

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We are an international community of 1,200 missionaries: Priests, Brothers, Associate Priests, and Lay Missionaries. We are committed to living the Gospel among our brothers and sisters in Africa and those of African descent, with a special concern for the poor and marginalized wherever we are serving. We strive to witness by our lives to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its totality through a variety of ministries including: parish work, catechetical programs, healthcare, education, ministries with street children, people with disabilities, refugees, leprosy patients, AIDS ministries, and development and relief programs. Our ministries are a response to the needs of the local Church. You are invited to make a wholehearted, unconditional offer of your life at the service of the Gospel of Jesus. Please contact the S.M.A. Vocation Office.

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Society of African Missions (S.M.A.), Societé des Missions Africaines


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